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November 11, 2012

Well, I’m still playing cat and mouse with a mature buck- one of the best I’ve seen this year. My experience with him really defies everything I’ve heard about mature whitetails. I have already had at least 5 up and close encounters with him this season and yet he continues to come to this one particular stand, albeit when I’m not there of course. I’m getting all kinds of daytime photos of him and have several of him just before daylight basically looking at me as I approach the stand. I’ve busted him off of the stand in the morning at least four times. Bottom line is, he’s definitely smarter than I am, at least so far. I realize I’m going to have to get creative if I expect to get a shot at this bruiser. I’m setting up a couple of “ambush” stands away from the bait in hopes of maybe catching him off guard. However, I’m not holding my breath. If you want to see him go to Trailcam 2012 in the Photo Gallery. Later…