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October 26, 2012

Let me update you on my Kentucky trip to Riverbend Whitetails. The owner, Marty Smith, called a couple of days ago and said they found the buck I shot the last day( found him 2 days after we left ). He said he was an eight point and he would send me the horns. That’s got me wondering because I had assumed the one I shot was the ten pointer they had trail cam pictures of. However, it was very late when I looked at him and I really couldn’t count the points. Or, it could be that I shot the wrong buck – remember the eight I passed on came back in with the other buck and they were standing side by side when I shot. Maybe I shot the wrong one. Guess I’ll know when I see the horns. I will be happy to have the eight as well because I was tempted to shoot him all along. I also hunted in Georgia for three days ( October 20-22 ) at Swamp Hunts in Marshallville, GA. Now this is bowhunting in its purest sense- no bait or food plots, just hunting over acorns in the river bottom. Saw a shooter on the last day but had no shot opportunity. Came close to a shot on a hog. One of my buddies did get a shot on a good buck but apparently hit him high and was unable to find him. Not sure yet whether I’ll go back next year. They do have some great deer on the place and I like the style of hunting but most of the stands are 12-14 ft ladders and I really prefer to hunt at least 20 ft up. Two days after we left the outfitter killed a great buck that rough scored 130+. Bucks are chasing around here pretty good. Hope to get an opportunity on a hitlister. Later…