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August 29, 2017

Well, I’ve got three days left to get another shot off before the rifles start popping and my chances diminish significantly. Why? Because the bucks become very wary with the advent of rifle season, if they aren’t wary enough already. Of course I have no reason to complain. I killed a great buck opening day and probably should have killed another one the second day ( I’ve run that one over and over again in my mind, second guessing my failure to attempt a shot earlier, which I’m sure you agree with if you watched the video ). What do they say, hindsight is 20-20!! I actually had another close encounter a few days ago which probably should have resulted in a second shot, but it didn’t. Having said all this I certainly can’t complain. I’ve had the best opening two weeks in a number of years. Not only am I seeing some great bucks while in the tree I’m getting some really good ones on trail camera ( check em out ). Don’t know about you but I’m excited about this season. Keeping my fingers crossed for a fall with normal weather ( not normal in the sense of the last two seasons ). Stay tuned! Later…