January 10, 2018
Well the 2017 season is in the books and I hope your season was as good as mine. Ended the season with two kills the last week- hard to beat! Looking forward to next season already. Oh, I forgot, turkey season starts in March. LOL Later…
December 6, 2017
Well, the season is really winding down- getting harder to see a good buck during shooting light. According to my trail cameras there are still some good ones out there but seeing them is another thing altogether. I’m hoping a little second rut activity just might lead one of the big boys to slip up. Not holding my breath however. Regardless, it’s been a really great season for me. I’ll enjoy a little doe patrol now. Later…
October 15, 2017
Well, you’re rolling along in what has been a great season when all of a sudden you blow it. That’s exactly what I did this past Friday. Missed a great buck! You never want to miss one but you sure don’t want to miss a great deer like this one. Oh well, that’s bowhunting. I just hate it when it happens to me. I’ll get over it, after awhile. I’ve promised before to always show the bad and the ugly along with the good. I’m not going to change now. Check it out in the video gallery. Later…
October 12, 2017
After a disappointing trip to Ohio I was ready to get back in the groove in Williamsburg County. Hunting here at home has been anything but disappointing for me this year. Two days ago I had a really god buck come in right at dark but he didn’t present a shot. This morning my horseshoe was back doing its magic. A buck I ‘d been hunting for two years made a fatal mistake and is now at the processor. I’ll call him a “character buck”. You check it out and decide! Later…