March 28, 2019
Turkey season 2019 is in full swing. I’ve killed two pretty good birds so far- one weighing 20.5 lbs and the other 17.5. Sorry to say my camera battery was dead in the field and I didn’t get the biggest bird on video but I got some good footage of the smaller gobbler today. You can check it out in the Thunder Chickens video gallery. Hope your season goes well. Later…
January 7, 2019
Deer season for me is finally over and my season ended well. I killed a nice SC buck in late December and then proceeded to take a great buck in Alabama two days ago. We had to deal with a lot of water here at home and it was pretty wet in Alabama as well. I’m actually ready for a little break but I don’t want to break too long. I’ll be looking forward to chasing those thunder chickens in late March. Hope you check out my 2018 videos and I hope you enjoy them just half as much as I did making them. Later…
November 4, 2018
Let me share something very important regarding safety. I’ve been using a safety harness ( Hunter’s Safety System ) for about 8 years. For the first couple of years I did not use a lifeline but merely attached to a tree strap once I got up the tree and into the stand. However, I began to hear more and more about most tree stand accidents occurring while ascending or descending from the stand. So, I decided to put lifelines on all my stands so I would be attached the entire time from the ground up and then back down again. I never had an incident until 2 weeks ago. While beginning my descent from my lock-on my foot slipped and I fell ( 20 feet up ). There was nothing between my back and the ground except AIR!! Scared me to death! Thankfully the system worked as it should have and I was spared a crippling fall or worse a life-ending accident. Guys don’t be stupid. Resolve today never to climb without a safety harness AND life line again. Your family deserves it! Good luck the rest of the season. Later…
October 20, 2018
The bucks are definitely on the move and I’ve had a number of close calls. On Thursday I managed to close the book on a five year relationship with a big four point. he’s been a real brute for years, weighing at least 200 lbs or better every year. On Thursday he came in hobbling on three legs. He apparently had damaged his right leg somehow. I’m not exactly sure how. I had the privilege of putting him out of his misery. Video is available in the Deer 2018 gallery. Stay tuned…