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August 31, 2019

Well, I’ve been thrown a curve ball that I certainly didn’t expect. Somehow, and I’m not exactly sure how, I’ve seriously injured my knee. I’ve apparently ( according to an MRI ) ruptured the quadricep muscle coming from the thigh and attaching to the knee cap. Dr. Wright Skinner had originally scheduled me for surgery but has decided against that upon review of the MRI which shows a partial tear rather than a full tear. He has put me in an immobilizing brace indefinitely in hopes that the muscle will heal and reattach given time. That means I cannot bend my knee at all until we see what happens. So, my hunting is on hold indefinitely! It is what it is and I’ll have to live with it. Maybe by the time the rut kicks in I’ll be kicking back in as well. Only the good Lord knows the answer to that question. Later…

August 20, 2019

Man! This is starting out very slowly, at least for me. I’m getting a few decent bucks on camera ( Trail Cam-2019 ), even some daytime pics. However, all I’m seeing so far is does and fawns. I am pleased to be seeing so many fawns but give me a break. Enough is enough. Let’s see some antlers!! Later…

August 12, 2019

Well, the 2019 season is upon us. If you’re a bowhunter like myself you better be getting your stuff together. That means your stands should already be up and you should be feeding them if that’s your practice. And, if you haven’t been shooting your bow by now it’s too late!! I’m just starting to get some trail cam pics ( which you can see in the Photo Gallery). It’s really way too hot to be hunting but, guess what, I’ll be in a tree come Thursday morning. Wishing you all a great season. Later….

April 1, 2019

Well, my season is over. Dropped my third bird this afternoon- 19.5 lbs with 10 inch beard – a gobbler I had decided was “uncallable”. I guess the Williamsburg Bowhunter Guide Service is officially open for business. Actually it was already open starting this morning with my preacher who, by the way, missed a few in grand form! Oh, well, I told him last year when he killed two good ones with one shot, “it will all be down hill now”. Later…