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July 7, 2014

It’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me. A very successful turkey season was over two months ago and I’ve basically been in hibernation ever since. Well, the sleeping bear has finally come to and realized opening day of bow season is just six weeks away. Wow! Gotta get busy. Actually I got busy last week and put up five stands and hung several trail cams. Already getting some pictures of smaller bucks and plenty of does. Even seeing a good number of fawns and that’s promising. Still have more work to do before August 15th. Having a cataract removed from my left eye tomorrow and the other one in a couple of weeks. Want to make sure all that is behind me well before opening day. Later…

May 2, 2014

Well, another turkey season is in the books. Don’t know about yours but mine was especially good. Tagged out on 4/24. Ended up with a 22-pounder, three 19-pounders and a 18-pounder, arguably my best season ever. Four of my kills are on video which is especially gratifying because videoing turkey kills solocam is quite difficult. Now a 3 1/2 month wait for the opening day of deer season. I have a lot of work to do between now and then especially with all the ice storm damage. Later…

April 24, 2014

Ended my season today on a high note as I filled my 5th tag- 18lbs, 9in beard, 1in spurs. Hard to believe this was the smallest gobbler I killed this season. Got some great video even though the birds weren’t gobbling at all. Should have it up soon. Later…

April 17, 2014

Had another great hunt this morning. Killed a really nice gobbler- 19lbs, 1 inch spurs, 10 inch beard. This old boy gobbled his head off- the best I’ve heard in a long time. He would double, triple and even quadruple gobble. Don’t know how he caught his breath. Got some great video. However, there’s only one problem. I forgot to turn on the shotgun mic on my camera, meaning there’s no audio along with the video. All that good gobbling gone to waste! Oh well. Check it out anyway. Later…