September 5, 2014
Had a pretty good sit this afternoon. Temps were in the lower 80s with a little breeze- quite comfortable. Of course, I’m still hunting in shorts! A number of does came in around 6:30 followed by a cowhorn buck I’d seen before. Then in came the wide 7pt. He’s 19 inches wide but has weak tines. I passed him earlier when he was in full velvet because he was traveling with a nice 8pter. The 8 hung up and never came in. This time he was alone but I still passed on him. He’s still a fairly young deer. Not sure I’ll pass on him again, especially if I haven’t struck by then. A video of this hunt is up. Later…
August 23, 2014
Well the season is just a little over a week old and I’ve already had a missed opportunity. I’ve been getting pictures of two bucks traveling together. One is wide but no tine length but the other one is not very wide but tall and has good mass- I want to shoot him. They came in yesterday morning, well almost. The wide one did come in and I could have shot him but the other one kept hanging back. I think he busted me or at least saw something he didn’t like. He never would come in and finally snorted a few times and then the two of them just walked off. Hopefully they’ll be back. You can view the video in “Deer-2014”. Later…
August 19, 2014
Well, I guess you would say my season has opened with a fizzle. A lot of hope based on many good trail cam photos of nice bucks has not translated into shot opportunities. I’ve been up four times so far and seen two small bucks. However, I remain optimistic! Later…
July 26, 2014
Put my last stand up this morning. That gives me six Millineum lockons- man I love those Milleniums. The most comfortable stands made- in my opinion! Started hanging some trail cams a couple of weeks ago. Had some old corn left from last year and they are hitting it pretty hard. Already getting some pretty good bucks. Check ’em out in the Trail Cam-2014 gallery. Only three weeks to go! Later…