October 12, 2014
What a week of hunting- a mixed bag for sure. Problem is, the bad far outweighed the good. It started out Monday morning. I was on doe patrol and drilled the first one to come in. A confidence booster, I thought! However, Monday afternoon I missed a really good buck. No excuse- a clean miss, right over his back. No, I don’t have a clue! Tuesday morning I had another really good buck in at first daylight and I blew that opportunity. Never even got a shot off! Bowhunting is the most frustrating discipline. Check out the videos. They tell the stories very well. Later…
September 30, 2014
The bucks are definitely on the move. I checked three of my trail cameras today and all three had good bucks showing up during daylight hours, some during the middle of the day. Check ’em out. Later…
September 28, 2014
Well, the old blind hog found an acorn on a dog hunt yesterday- a nice 10 pointer. One of those bang, bang plays that just works out. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time. Check out the photo and the story in the Deer Dog Hunts video gallery. Later…
September 22, 2014
Well, I haven’t released an arrow yet. Haven’t actually come close except for the wide 19″ buck I’ve passed on twice. His tines are weak to say the least. However, I’ve decided not to pass on him again. Of course that means I won’t see him again! Movement will be picking up soon. Remember, September 25th is moving day ( the bucks will start moving ). If you don’t believe me just ask Charles Ruth. Later…