August 22, 2022
Well, we’re off and running with the 2022 season- opened here 8/15 for primitive weapons. We’ve actually had a few “cool” days, relatively speaking. I’ve only seen a few small bucks but have got some real bruisers on trail cam. Just one of the biggest will make my season! I’ll try to get some of those pics up this week. Good luck with your season wherever you happen to be. Later…
October 22, 2021
Just got back from another successful hunt over in Edgefield with my friend Baylen Moore. Well, successful if successful is killing a good buck and missing a good buck, all on the same stand ( different days however ). Both videos are on the site. Back home things are quite slow considering we’re in the middle of the rut. Looking for a good week coming up. Later…
August 29, 2021
Bow season has been open for two weeks now and it’s been a mixed bag thus far. Have a few places where buck activity is little to none and a couple of places where I’ve got really good bucks on camera. I was seeing a nice ten point on one particular stand prior to the season and for several days after opening day. I actually had him at twenty yards broad side last week but my camera could barely make him out. I passed on the shot and I know now that was a huge mistake. Although I waited to after dark before exiting I haven’t seen him since. I probably won’t do that again! I’ve caught plenty of ribbing for it. A good friend keeps reminding me I can get pictures of them after they’re dead! well, life moves on. Later…
November 1, 2020
To say this has been an unusual season is an understatement. The first half of the season has been extremely hot and wet, and the mosquitoes have been terrible! I finally got a shot on October 1 only to recover him four days later. That sucks, but it is a part of bowhunting. Since then I haven’t actually seen a decent buck in daylight even though I’m still getting some photos of some good ones on trail camera. So this past week I decided to take a couple of does for some folks who wanted some. That was fun and made for good video but its not what I’m really after, AND WE’RE HALF WAY THROUGH THE RUT! Finally though it has begun to dry out and get a little cooler. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Later…