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August 14, 2016

Well, this is it for 2016. Opening day tomorrow- MAN IT’S HOT!! I’ll go in the morning but probably won’t go much in the afternoons until it cools off a few degrees. I’m not very pumped as I usually am to start, primarily because I don’t have any decent bucks on camera. Maybe one or two marginal. I’ll have to actually see them to tell. Stay tuned. Later…

March 28, 2016

Well, I’m officially guiding now. it’s been a great, but short, season. Just don’t get this new three bird limit. I mean, really, this is ridiculous! The camera will keep shooting. Later…

March 22, 2016

Man, what a morning! After that great hunt yesterday with my buddy Manuel I figured it was my turn, so I headed out solo this morning. I can’t describe adequately what went down this morning, you’ll have to watch it for yourself. Let’s just say my season is almost over just two days into the season. Check it out in the “Thunder Chickens” gallery. Later…

March 21, 2016

Well, turkey season finally arrived WITH A CHILL! I took my good friend Manuel DeJuan form Cashiers,NC this morning. Suffice it to say, we love it when a plan comers together. Check it out in the video gallery. Hope you had luck as well. Later…