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September 19, 2016

I don’t know about you but I’ve had it with the heat and humidity. The only thing we’ve had going for us so far has been the dry weather- no mosquitos. Well that’s history now. The recent heavy rains have brought out the mosquitos and we’ll have to deal with them until the weather turns considerably cooler. The forecast for next week is looking much better- cooler, but not cool enough to affect the mosquitos. But remember, the 25th is moving day! You definitely want to be in the woods on the 25th. Later…


I can’t believe how slow the hunting has been. I’m seeing no decent bucks while sitting. I have gotten a couple of good bucks on trail cam but generally in the middle of the night. You can check them out in the Trail Cam photo gallery. Waiting on cooler weather. Later…

August 30, 2016

Finally got up a new photo gallery for 2016 trail cam pictures. Have a few loaded but will get more up soon. Later…

August 16, 2016

For those of you waiting with baited breath for my report on the first two days there’s not much to report. I went yesterday morning and this morning and had very pleasant sits both times. Temps were nice- low 70s – and winds were calm. However, there was just no movement ( bad moon ). Afternoons are probably the best bet right now but I just can’t stand the heat. Hopefully things will improve next week. Later…