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November 13, 2016

Man! What a season this is shaping up to be. I cannot remember the last time I’ve gone this late in the season and have not killed a buck. Seriously! And it’s not really funny anymore. What’s a guy to do? I had a decent 8 pointer come in yesterday but I couldn’t convince myself to shoot him. He was a 3 year old with great potential. I texted a friend of mine a picture of him and he did his best to tempt me to shoot him. But I resisted and let him walk. You can check him out in the video gallery. I’m off to Disney World for a week with the grand kids. Later…

October 30, 2016

Got back Late Thursday from a week at Riverbend Whitetails in Kentucky. This year’s hunt was for me a disappointment. After killing a doe the first morning things went steadily downhill. The bucks were just not moving in daylight. Finally, on the next to the last afternoon, I had a really good buck come out but it was just too late to get a shot. I did have a decent 8 pointer come right under my stand prior to the big one coming out. Check out a short video for a brief look at how it went. I’m glad to be back home, except for the mosquitoes! Later…

October 16, 2016

This is turning into another unusual season, much like last year after the flood. Matthew just came through and wreaked havoc in eastern SC. I’ve got several stands that are not accessible for one reason or another, either under water or blocked by down trees. A few weeks ago I got a shot at a buck of a lifetime in SC- a 150 inch ten pointer. My shot was terrible! All I did was leave a calling card across his briskette. He continued to visit my stand, sometimes in daylight, but I didn’t get a second chance. He’s now dead at the hands of a young hunter just a short distance away. This buck was one of only a few shooters I’ve seen this season. I’ll be leaving for a week in KY the end of this week. I’ll be glad for a change of scenery. Hope your season is going better than mine. By the way, my blown opportunity can be seen in the “Deer-2016” video gallery. Later…
