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April 10, 2017

This has been an interesting turkey season to say the least. Opening day was awesome, gobbling everywhere. I killed my second turkey today but the gobbling has just not been there compared to opening day. Nothing gobbled on the roost today but the one I killed did gobble pretty good after coming off the roost. I’m still seeing turkeys every time I go out ( well, all but one time ). Gobblers are still henned up for the most part and not responding to calls. This should get better as more hens are bred. Still plenty of time to limit out. I’m going to try filling my last tag with my bow! I’ve got a number of hunt videos loaded. Later…

March 23, 2017

What a beginning to the 2017 turkey season! Opening day was the most amazing hunt I’ve ever had, not to have killed a turkey. Never seen so many long beards and jakes in my life, and the gobbling was out of this world. The problem, if there was one, was too many hens. The gobblers would fire off at every call I made but, as you might imagine, no matter how good I might have sounded it wasn’t good enough. Had several long beards come by with hens but just out of range. If you want to hear something amazing check out my opening day video in the Thunder Chicken Gallery. It’s a little long but you have to see/hear the end. Later…

February 14, 2017

Well it’s been six weeks since a very disappointing season concluded. I’ve taken all of my treestands down and now I’m biding my time til those thunder chickens start strutting their stuff. If what I’ve seen so far is any indication of what kind of season we’ll have I can’t wait. We have a very healthy turkey population- can’t believe we’re facing a longer season with a reduced bag limit. Makes no sense to me! There may be some areas in the state with fewer birds but I assure you it’s not here. However, it is what it is. Later…

December 20, 2016

Man, what a season! I’ve never had one quite like it. I haven’t killed a buck this season ( I did blow a great opportunity ) and I’m doubtful it’s going to happen. If I don’t kill a buck it’ll be the first time in at least 40 years. I’m still at it though, and I haven’t dropped my standards, at least not yet! I passed a decent 8 pt yesterday- just couldn’t talk myself into shooting him ( a 3 yr old with good potential ). Video of that hunt is up. Later…